ELKOL® Sp. z.o.o.
ul. Arki Bożka 25, 41-902 Bytom
(previous headquarters: ul. Raciborska 42, 40-074 Katowice)
tel. 32 438 19 00 or 32 438 19 01
e-mail: elkol@elkol.pl
Video Conference:
REGON Number: 008135550
NIP Number: 634-019-83-17
GPS: 50.3326580, 18.9421644
The District Court in Katowice 8th Commercial
Division of the National Court Register KRS Number 0000150879
Share capital PLN 54,000 Bank account no.:
Santander Bank Polska S.A. 29 1910 1048 2790 4420 8342