Firma Elkol na zlecenie PNUIK Kraków Sp. z o.o. wykonała dokumentację w ramach kontraktu pn.: „Polepszenie jakości usług przewozowych poprzez poprawę stanu technicznego linii kolejowych nr 61 i 700 na odcinku Częstochowa – Fosowskie”
Winner of a silver IPMA Polish Project Excellence Award 2016 in category Infrastructural Projects
The works covered by the subject of the agreement include:
- inventory of facilities and devices,
- obtaining base-maps and execution of geodetic inventory,
- geotechnical studies,
- tree and vegetation inventory including trees and bushes clearance,
- obtaining official decisions, permits, arrangements, opinions, technical and implementation conditions required by law, necessary for development of a design documentation and implementation of works for all facilities,
- preparation of a detailed multi-industry concept divided into particular stages of the implementation of the task:
- development of multi-industry construction projects (for track industry, railway traffic control system, road engineering facilities, overhead contact line, electric power engineering) for revitalisation of lines no. 61 and 700 for the entire contract task,
- execution of STWiORB,
- development and arranging temporary and target traffic organisation projects for the time of closing of railway crosings,
- development of multi-industry executive projects (for track, railway traffic control system, engineering facilities, overhead contact line, non-traction line, telecommunication, construction, road industries) for revitalisation of lines no. 61 and 700 for the entire contract task,
- execution of executive projects for dividing works into phases,
- as-built documentation,
- geodesic as-built documentation.